An Overview Of Our Program

Super Sport Day aids children in the development of physical skills, teamwork, and coordination through organized play. It was developed for preschools, daycare facilities, and homeschools. The one-hour, one day a week program also provides elementary learning of healthy foods. Our program includes:

  • PDF download of game descriptions with some visual examples
  • Activity/coloring sheets for children which provide elementary learning of healthy foods
  • PDF of illustrated child-friendly yoga poses with child-friendly names
  • Your choice of Super Sport Day logo tshirt or hat

Super Sport Day includes instructions for age-appropriate games, video instructor training, and activity handout pages for the children. Also included is the choice of hat or t-shirt for the program leader.

This program is a great addition to your curriculum, channeling children’s energies into positive sports play. Playing active games with their friends builds motor and social skills.

Purchase Our Program

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* You do not need a PayPal account to make your purchase.
The Super Sport Day Program is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only and is not intended to provide any medical or health advice. You should always seek the advice of an appropriately qualified healthcare professional regarding (a) the safety and advisability of any given activity, or (b) any specific medical condition or symptoms. While the exercises and activities set forth in the Program are designed to be age-appropriate and completed by young children, caution and supervision must be maintained at all times. Super Sport Day Program cannot be held responsible for any injuries or damages suffered as a result of Program participation.

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Super Sport Day is an amazing program designed for all Preschool and pre-kindergarten children. This program meets our state standards for daily physical development requirements. It can be easily adapted to meet the needs of any child. With Darla’s education and expertise as a certified personal trainer and health coach, the games and activities she plans help the children to develop their large and fine motor skills in more ways than we were previously able to. It is wonderful to see the children grow more confident in their own abilities as well as their physical development flourish. They have fun while learning about their bodies through kinesiology and healthy choices. Additionally, they develop their social-emotional skills because there are many games that require teamwork and encouraging classmates. She also incorporates other learning areas like language, literacy, and math into her games. We highly recommend this program and the kids look forward to it!

Christy | Daycare Director of Forever Friends